The Envious Consumer

Part of a book

Niels van de Ven
Sara Protasi, The Moral Psychology of Envy, Rowman and Littlefied: Lanham, USA, pp. 217-235

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APA   Click to copy
van de Ven, N. The Envious Consumer. In S. Protasi (Ed.), The Moral Psychology of Envy (pp. 217–235). Rowman and Littlefied: Lanham, USA.

Chicago/Turabian   Click to copy
Ven, Niels van de. “The Envious Consumer.” In The Moral Psychology of Envy, edited by Sara Protasi, 217–235. Rowman and Littlefied: Lanham, USA, n.d.

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van de Ven, Niels. “The Envious Consumer.” The Moral Psychology of Envy, edited by Sara Protasi, Rowman and Littlefied: Lanham, USA, pp. 217–35.

BibTeX   Click to copy

  title = {The Envious Consumer},
  pages = {217-235},
  publisher = {Rowman and Littlefied: Lanham, USA},
  author = {van de Ven, Niels},
  editor = {Protasi, Sara},
  booktitle = {The Moral Psychology of Envy}


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